How to write content for your clients, not Google
Many businesses are so focused on reaching number one on Google’s search engine ranking they obsess about keyword research and SEO strategy.
But while those things are important, what’s even more important is to create content that clients actually care about.
Google states this in the basic principles section of their webmaster guidelines: “Create helpful, reliable, people-first content.”
So how do you write people-first content?
Provide long-term value
While topical posts and trending topics are a good way to get attention, evergreen content is better for drawing a consistent audience. Start with the questions your clients will always want answered, then provide answers.
For example, if you’re an accountant, you probably get asked these questions all the time:
- Why do I need financial statements?
- What’s a balance sheet?
- What’s an income statement?
- What’s a cash flow statement?
- How can I pay less tax?
- Can I deduct my personal expenses?
- Can you deduct your work clothing expenses from your tax?
And if they’re asking their accountant, they’re probably asking search engines too.
If an accountant had a FAQ section with those questions and answers, they’d not only provide their clients with helpful information, they’d also increase their chances of ranking higher in search engine results.
For questions requiring more detailed explanations, the accountant could write a series of blogs, or have the best of both worlds – give a short answer in the FAQ and link it to the in-depth answer in the blog.
Why is that the best of both worlds? Search engines favour short answers to display at the top of their results like those contained in a FAQ (see example below). But a detailed explanation will showcase your expertise and make it easier for potential clients to trust you.

Do your research and link to relevant sources
When you write content, use trusted sources and hard data to make it more credible; and link to the websites where you found the information to make it more credible still.
For example, if a lender increases their home loan rates, they could link to the Reserve Bank’s cash rate page and explain how cash rate changes impact their interest rate decisions. For added value, they could also explain why the Reserve Bank chose to increase (or decrease) the cash rate that month.
Keep it simple
Remember that the people reading your posts might come from vastly different educational backgrounds, and English may not be their first language. Even if it is, they may struggle to absorb written information.
Try to deliver the facts in an easy-to-understand manner, and avoid the complicated jargon that’s rife in the property and finance industries.
Not only will that make it easier for clients to understand your content, search engines will also find it easier to identify the answers on your website.
For example – instead of telling clients to “perform due diligence”, tell them to “thoroughly check all the facts (also known as due diligence)”.
Make your content scannable
Few people actually read a webpage from top to bottom. Instead, they scroll and scan the page, looking for clues that it has the answers they’re looking for.
Make your content scannable by including bullet-points and short paragraphs with clear subheadings.
For example, if a real estate agent had a property listing that mentioned all the features of the home within the body copy and a buyer wanted to know if the property had a garage, the buyer might fail to spot the garage reference within the mass of text. But if the agent also included a bulleted list within the listing, the word would immediately pop out.
Diversify your media
Whenever possible, include graphics, video or photos that make your content more visually appealing and interesting.
Also consider using tables, graphs or design features, like:

Offer something unique
Find ways to set your content apart from everything else that’s available on the web. This could include adding your own data or research, or simply offering a unique perspective on the topic.
You can outsource all your content writing needs to Hunter & Scribe – from website text and blogs to social media posts and ebooks. Contact us for more information.