There are 37,000 accounting businesses in Australia, according to IBISWorld. So if you want clients to choose you rather than one of your many accountant rivals, you need to find a way to attract clients’ attention and prove your superiority.
Content marketing can help you achieve both goals.
If you’re unfamiliar with the term, content marketing is when you use content – such as email newsletters, social media posts, blogs, ebooks and media releases – to market your accounting business.
Generally, the more content marketing you publish, and the higher its quality, the more attentionRead More
You might think you’ve already missed the boat on content marketing – because isn’t every accountant already doing it?
For proof, choose 10 accountants at random and go to their websites and LinkedIn pages. You’ll discover that only a minority are regularly publishing blog content and social media content.
That’s why there’s a great opportunity for accountants to use content marketing to attract more clients and referrals.
If you want to use content marketing to stand out from the masses of other accountants, you need to focus on both quality and quantity.
Quality content might include tax advice, business tips and news about the economy. The key is to publish information your clients find interesting, relevant and helpful; if you do that, they’ll gladly consume your marketing. Conversely, you should avoid content that seems salesy and self-interested, because then clients will avoid your marketing.
Quantity is also important. No matter how good your content marketing is, you won’t attract attention if you publish only the occasional blog or social media post.
You need to keep getting in front of potential clients and referral partners again and again and again, because it takes time to build trust, credibility and brand recognition.
There are a lot of accountants in Australia. But there are very few accountants that regularly publish interesting, relevant and helpful content marketing. So if you want to attract attention and differentiate yourself from the vast majority of Australian accountants – now you know how.
We are a Sydney-based copywriting agency that works with property and finance businesses throughout Australia.
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