Content Marketing For Financial Advisers

How financial advisers can use content marketing to attract more clients

If you want to be recognised as an expert financial adviser, you need to publish content about saving, investing, superannuation, retirement planning, estate planning and the like.

It’s not enough just to be an expert; you also need clients and referrers to recognise your expertise. Content marketing is a great way to show off your knowledge.

There are about 17,000 financial advisers in Australia, according to Rainmaker Information. With so much competition, it can be hard to stand out.

That’s why it’s so important to make clients and referrers realise you’re an expert financial adviser, not an average one. Once your expertise is recognised, you’ll find it easier to:

  • Differentiate yourself from your rivals
  • Attract clients and referrals
  • Justify your fees

How to market your financial advice business

So does that mean that if you start publishing content marketing, you’ll immediately generate an enormous number of leads?

No. Life doesn’t work that way.

Content marketing is like fitness. Just as you won’t lose weight by doing only one gym session, you won’t attract clients by publishing only one blog, social media post or email newsletter. To lose weight, you need to consistently go to the gym over the long-term; toRead More

There’s another way in which content marketing is like fitness. Just as some people make the mistake of quitting the gym once they’ve lost weight (“Now that I’m slim, I don’t need to exercise anymore!”), some financial advisers make the mistake of switching off their content marketing once it starts delivering leads. Big mistake. If you stop exercising, you’ll stop being slim; and if you stop doing content marketing, you’ll stop generatingRead More

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