Are you marketing to the right people?

Are you marketing to the right people?

Ask any business owner who they’re marketing to, and many will reply ‘everyone’. After all, the wider you cast the net, the better the response will be – right? Unfortunately not.

Marketing your business to all and sundry is wasteful because your message will be too general to speak to the right people.

Instead, you should focus on conveying a message that will speak to the right people – those who’ll use your services.

How to identify your target market

You probably already have an idea of who your typical clients are, but to pinpoint them you could analyse your client list. Which ones bring in the most business and why?

Use this information to create ‘buyer personas’ for your business. These are descriptions of your existing or ideal clients and could include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education level
  • Occupation
  • Interests / hobbies
  • Marital status
  • Location
  • How your service helps them
  • How they consume media (newspaper or online)

For example, if you’re a buyer’s agent, are your clients

  • First home buyers?
  • Investors?
  • Owner-occupiers?

Why does your target market matter?

Identifying your target market lets you focus your marketing efforts. For example, if you’re a buyer’s agent, a marketing strategy that appeals to investors may be very different from a marketing strategy that appeals to first home buyers. To entice first home buyers to use your services, you’d probably need to emphasise your industry knowledge and track record. But to entice investors, you’d probably need to provide hard data and in-depth analysis of different property markets.

How to reach your target market

Once you’ve identified who your clients or potential clients are, you can write content marketing tailored to them.

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Contact us for more information on how we can help you market to the right people.